Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Had to love the scene when I was taking this picture. I set up for the shot of the facade at the local Symantec office on a Saturday morning. I might have clicked through a few frames when I was hailed by the Segway riding rent-a-cop from Symantec. He told me that Symantec "forbid" taking of pictures of their building. It got pretty funny when I stepped back onto the sidewalk and set up another shot. He actually tried to grab my camera. I almost came unglued! I let him know that I was on public property and if he didd't remove his greassy hand from my new camera I was going to break his freakin wrist! Where do they get these freaks! Anyway, after I sent his Segway-riding-ass packing I decided to call it a day. Too much drama for a couple of pictures. Posted by Picasa


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